I recently came across a page I really liked (read: nerded out on) and wanted to share here: apple.com/start-something-new. Not only is the concept cool and different – marrying artistic inspiration with Apple products – but I liked that the “preview” copy held my attention even though it wasn’t a traditional intro in terms of length.
It’s breaking the rules just a bit. At the top of the page, users typically won’t devote the attention time it takes to read through a chunk of copy this long; but here I will.
You’ve got my attention with the concept. Here’s how I got there:
Not only does “Start something new” work well as a hook, it’s a new concept in general: the thought being that you can promote and integrate art with your brand without compromising the art (or the brand, for that matter). Instead Apple products look good, the artists get a shout-out, and the creative is on point. Anyway, I liked it.
What do you think: does advertising as a medium ‘water down’ the artist’s work? And a step further… does promotion kill artistic integrity, or can it be used as art itself?
Through a Chicago-based SEO consultancy, Path Digital Services & Consulting, Nate offers custom, platform-oriented SEO services for small to midsize business and agency clients on WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace, BigCommerce and lots more. More about Path Digital ›
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